Macular Degeneration Blog, Vision Health
Although the causes of age-related macular degeneration are complex, many of the risk factors can be controlled. Some of the risk factors that are under our control such as smoking, high blood pressure, being overweight altogether and also around the abdomen, and sun...
Macular Degeneration Blog, Vision Health
Before symptoms are noticed, age-related macular degeneration can often be detected during an eye exam. During the early stages of AMD, small drusen or waste deposits are noticeable on the surface of the retina. A change in color or pigment can be seen on the macula....
Macular Degeneration Blog, Vision Health
Ultraviolet and Blue light ultraviolet light is the part of the spectrum of invisible light below 286nm to 400nm. This portion of the spectrum is harmful to the eye and can lead to cataracts and other diseases of the eye such as age-related macular degeneration....
Macular Degeneration Blog, Vision Health
You may have heard of leaky gut or leaky brain, but have you heard of leaky eye syndrome? Similar to the other syndromes caused by inflammation and increased permeability, in leaky eye syndrome, the normal blood retinal barrier breaks down. When retinal blood vessels...
Macular Degeneration Blog, Vision Health
“Dry” Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Dry AMD is experienced by approximately 90% of people who have AMD. Dry AMD is a condition in which the layers of the macula progressively get thinner, which is called atrophy. During the early stage of dry AMD, the color...