Dr. Banik's Eye Nutrition Blog

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can maintain health for your vision, mind, and body.

But Whole Grains Are Supposed To Be Good For You

For years, we've been taught that eating whole grain foods - from bread to pasta - is what's best for building good health. And whole grain truly is better than the refined version of foods: more vitamins are retained, a lot more of the beneficial fiber is available....

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Fermentation Myths Busted

Fermented foods can help to improve your health and wellness. But there’s a lot of misinformation about these probiotic foods. Learn the truth behind some of the myths and misconceptions…

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Probiotics Are Pro-Health

You’ve probably been prescribed antibiotics throughout your life to fight infections. And you’ve definitely seen antibacterial soaps and detergents. That must mean all bacteria are bad, right? The truth is that many bacteria are actually very good…

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How to Eat Healthy On a Budget

Many people have this misconception that healthy eating means having to spend a lot of money on fresh, nutritious foods. Totally not true! While the thought of preparing delicious, healthy meals on a limited…

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Restaurant Traps

One of the toughest parts about eating healthy is avoiding restaurant traps. Eating out is necessary for people who travel often or have an active social life that requires meeting for meals. And while eating at a restaurant can require careful planning…

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